Overall Health is Linked to the Function of the Glycocalyx
Endocalyx PRO enables your capillaries to be clear for delivery of nutrients and remove waste. When nutrients are delivered and waste is removed, Endocalyx PRO allows nutrients from other My Body Rx supplements to reach your body’s cells for maximum absorption and utilization.
Endocalyx PRO is specifically formulated supplement that delivers the anti-aging building blocks essential to maintain a healthy endothelial glycocalyx and capillaries in the microvascular system.
You may look—and even feel—healthy on the outside, but inside the capillaries of your microvascular system, a completely different situation could be developing.
Lining the inside of your capillaries is the endothelial glycocalyx. It is a vast protective micro-thin gel lining that touches each of your trillions of cells. The integrity of the glycocalyx structure and function is important because the continuous delivery of nutrients, hormones, and oxygen, and the elimination of waste and carbon dioxide, flows through the capillaries.
Diseases and Conditions Linked to Capillary Damage and Loss
- Dementia is associated with damage and the loss of capillary density in the brain. When capillaries are damaged, essential nutrients can’t nourish and oxygenate cells in the brain, and just as importantly, waste and carbon dioxide can’t be removed. Endocalyx PRO restores the glycocalyx lining inside the capillaries so that capillary density can increase, with nutrients delivered to, and waste removed from cells in the brain*.
- Stroke occurs when a blood clot in a large artery blocks supply of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in brain damage. After removal or dissolving the clot and blood flow is restored to the brain, further damage occurs due to loss of capillaries by high levels of oxygen radicals. Endocalyx PRO can protect the capillaries against this second challenge of high oxygen radicals by restoring the health of the glycocalyx lining*.
- Heart Disease: Heart attack happens when a blood clot shuts down blood flow in a large artery. When the blood clot is removed blood flow is restored, but damage occurs in the microvessels due to formation of oxygen radicals. Endocalyx PRO supports the health of the microvessels and limits reperfusion injury.* Even in the absence of a large vessel blockage, people can experience chest pain (angina) due to inadequate microvascular blood flow and loss of capillaries. Endocalyx PRO restores the glycocalyx lining inside the microvascular system and increases capillary density.* Many people experience loss of cardiac function and suffer from a type of heart failure that is linked to loss of capillaries and increased stiffness of the heart muscle. Endocalyx PRO restores the glycocalyx lining inside the microvessels and increases microvascular blood flow and capillary density that will contribute to improved heart function*.
- Kidney Disease: Breakdown of kidney capillaries causes loss of its filtering system and impairs production of urine, increasing blood volume and resulting in hypertension. Endocalyx PRO restores the glycocalyx lining inside the capillaries so that kidney function can be optimized and preserved*.
- Hypertension increases risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease and is associated with capillary loss. Endocalyx PRO restores, regenerates, and protects the glycocalyx lining inside the capillaries so loss can be prevented, and organs including the brain, heart, and kidneys can be better protected*.
- Diabetes: High glucose from diabetes can result in capillaries being attacked, resulting in capillaries unable to deliver nutrients like glucose, hormones like insulin, and remove waste from cells. Endocalyx PRO restores and maintains the endothelial glycocalyx lining inside the capillaries and improves capillary density and function*. Endocalyx PRO also helps protect against damage from high glucose and oxidative stress*.
- Inflammatory Disorders: Out-of-control activation of the inflammatory system in response to challenges like rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, allergies, glomerulonephritis, autoimmune diseases, scleroderma, and atherosclerosis. An attack on capillaries by inflammatory cells results in damage and loss of capillaries. Increased capillary permeability causes tissue edema. Endocalyx can restore the endothelial glycocalyx lining inside the capillaries, even after damage and the loss of capillary density*.
- Compromised Immunity: Out-of-control activation of the inflammatory system is a response to infections by viruses or bacteria. Compromised Immunity can result in the microvascular system—the capillaries—being attacked, resulting in leaky capillaries unable to deliver nutrients and remove waste from cells through the endothelial glycocalyx. Endocalyx PRO restores and maintains the endothelial glycocalyx lining inside the capillaries and improves capillary density and function*.
- Cancer Metastasis: A leaky microvascular system enables cancer cells to redistribute to different parts of the body. Endocalyx PRO restores the glycocalyx lining of the microvessels to better contain the primary tumor and reduce metastasis*.
Restore, Regenerate, and Protect Your Glycocalyx
Endocalyx PRO is made from highly concentrated extracts of seven natural ingredients sourced from regions around the world where people are known to live longer and live healthy active lives. These ingredients contain the same compounds that make up and protect the structure of the glycocalyx. It’s a specific blend, right down to the molecular structure that makes all the difference in the result of taking Endocalyx PRO daily.
This patented combination of ingredients in specific dosage amounts, stimulate three actions that restore, regenerate and protect your glycocalyx and microvascular system.
Restore: Polysaccharides enable repair of damage to the glycocalyx. Polysaccharides are long sugar chains that can interact with proteins and other molecules of the glycocalyx to restore its protective structure.
Regenerate: Amino sugars enable production of more glycocalyx. Amino sugars are the precursor for polysaccharide biosynthesis. Amino sugars enable the cells of the vessel wall to produce more glycocalyx polysaccharides and regenerate the body’s ability to produce more of the protective gel.
Protect: Antioxidants protect the endothelial polysaccharides of the endothelial glycocalyx from additional damage and breakdown.
Patented Formula, Proven Effective
United States: 9943572
Europe: EP3280423
China: ZL 201680033444.2
Japan: 6518796
South Korea: 10-1972691
Canada (Pending): 3020277
World Intellectual Property Organization
The Danger of Glycocalyx Damage and Capillary Loss
More than 85 hospitals and universities around the world are researching endothelial glycocalyx health. Ground-breaking research published in December of 2019 in partnership with GlycoCheck™ microvascular health testing technology from Microvascular Health Solutions, and Maastricht University Medical Center, reveals the danger of glycocalyx damage and capillary loss. The loss of capillary reserve capacity (even in the presence of normal levels of microvascular blood flow) can pose significant long-term health risks leading to several conditions and diseases.
Capillaries deliver nutrients and hormones to vital organs, tissues, muscles, and skin. Waste and carbon dioxide are removed. This exchange of nutrients and waste is a continual process responsible for good health.
But for the cells of vital organs to be nourished, and waste removed, there are important actions that can only occur when capillaries are healthy.
Healthy Capillaries
When the microvascular system is healthy and a person is in a resting state, some capillaries are without blood flow and go into reserve. That means that a low level of blood flow moves at a normal rate through only engaged capillaries. Notice in the illustration “Healthy Capillaries: Resting” that the feed flow equals 100, with the two engaged capillaries each at 50.
When the microvascular system is healthy and a person is in an active state of exercising or deep thinking, blood flow increases and capillaries in reserve are engaged. When capillaries in reserve are engaged, an increased level of blood flow moves at a normal rate through an increased number of perfused capillaries. In the illustration “Healthy Capillaries: Active” the feed flow equals 150, with the three engaged capillaries each at 50.
Key takeaway: The increased number of perfused capillaries when blood flow levels are elevated upon increased metabolic demand is vital so that a sufficient amount of nutrients can be delivered to active tissue cells, and waste removed.
Unhealthy Capillaries
Unhealthy microvascular systems, whether a person is resting or active, there are no reserve capillaries. When blood flow increases with activity, blood is pushed through a small number of available capillaries at a faster speed. Notice in the illustration “Unhealthy Capillaries: Resting, Stage 1” the feed flow equals 100. The glycocalyx is damaged and the reserve capillary isn’t available. In “Unhealthy Capillaries: Active, Stage 1” when the blood flow increases to 150, the two engaged capillaries now have blood flow at 75 each, faster than when healthy and normal.
When unhealthy capillaries are lined with a very damaged glycocalyx, low blood flow has no capillaries in reserve as illustrated in “Stage 2.”
When blood flows too fast through too few capillaries, delivery of nutrients, hormones, and oxygen, and the removal of waste and carbon dioxide, is reduced, leading to conditions and diseases.
The good news: An unhealthy microvascular system, damaged glycocalyx and dysfunctional capillaries can be restored with Endocalyx*.
Reversing the Effects of Glycocalyx and Capillary Loss
Endocalyx PRO can restore endothelial glycocalyx and capillary function, even after damage from aging, genetics, and other conditions. When glycocalyx health is regenerated, nutrients and oxygen can reach vital organs.
Endocalyx PRO is a patented formula, with ingredients sourced from regions around the world. These ingredients work together synergistically and are clinically shown to protect glycocalyx health.*
A healthy glycocalyx supports organ function by restoring, regenerating and protecting the micro-thin glycocalyx lining.*
Endocalyx PRO provides the building blocks needed for a strong and vital glycocalyx, strengthening this micro-thin shield that protects the heart, arteries, microcirculation and veins.* It helps keep blood vessels slick, smooth and protected inside, from the largest arteries and veins to the tiniest capillaries.* This keeps blood flowing freely while optimizing circulation throughout the entire body.*
More than 85 hospitals and universities around the world are researching endothelial glycocalyx health. They are conducting their research with GlycoCheck technology. See where GlycoCheck is in use. There is a growing list of ongoing studies using GlycoCheck and Endocalyx PRO, along with an extensive list of published papers using GlycoCheck. Review the studies and papers.